Acting is an art were in the actors are playing the roles of certain indivuals. It is a powerful form of an expression in the Cinema. It helps in portraying and conveying the essence of the character in one particular movie, play or a TV Show.
Many actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Manoj Bajpayee, Pankaj Tripathi among many others win the hearts of audiences. However, there are many youngsters and other people who want to pursue acting as their career and in order to be able to catch the attention of the audiences, it is necessary to have some techniques in the sleeves to be able to perform.
So if you are as actor who is new to the industry who is still learning the nuances of acting or wants to enhance the acting skills, then this is for you! In this we will delve into what is Acting exercises and its significance and ultimately delve into the Powerful acting exercises.
What is Acting exercise and Its Significance:
Acting Exercise refers to the guiding ground for the budding and aspiring actors, the actors who have good experience an opportunity and a ground for experimenting, to re-work on their acting skills, techniques, reworking on their acting techniques and to also come out from their own comfort zones.
Acting Exercise helps both the new-comers as well as the actors who are well-experienced to enhance on their skills so that they can perform well on the stage, movie or the shows of which they are a part of.
The audience who watches TV Shows, movies or plays, doesn’t realise the amount of the efforts which go in behind the scenes for that.
Ways to Improve the Acting Skills:
The only way to improve the Acting skills is to practice, practice and practice and work on the skills so the current performance is better than the previous one. Consistency is the key. They have to continuously work on their acting skills.
Doing Acting Warm-ups:
Just as we do warm-up exercises for our regular exercises, it can be a wonderful idea if you include warm-up exercises in order to keep mind and body ready for what comes next. One can do physical stretches which will warm-up and loosen up the muscles. The breathing exercises which improve the breath control and vocal warm-ups too.
Here are some of the Acting Exercise to try:
- Emotions Walk:
Emotion Walk refers to one of the acting exercises where in it helps the actor to deepen its relation with the character that he or she are playing. So during an emotion walk, the actors carry different emotions which gives you a jist into the body langauges and the feelings which is associated ranging from anger to joy. The actors can choose one emotion – happiness, anger or sadness.
- Physical Objects:
In a play, movie, tv-show, physical objects play an important role in the scene because acting is not only about reading lines from the scriptit’s also how actors in movies, tv shows are interacting with different characters and objects. The ‘Physical object acting exercise helps the actors to think about interacting with the objects in a careful manner and this also helps them in understanding those objects as part of the act rather than a mere prop.
Those who practice Acting skills can ask these questions while rehearsing. Like, what happens if they will move a chair or a table around the stage or in the scene. And what will be the impact of that on the actor’s powers to talk and how it will affect their character. Which placement of the furniture or an object will be good and the reason behind it and whether there is a correct place or incorrect place for an object.
- Finding the Truth in the Characters:
Konstantin Stanislavski is one of the leading director and actor from Russia and many prominent actors have used method which also known as ‘Stanislavski’ method during their training. One of Stanislavski’s method is the seven questions method which is an inspirational force for the actors. It serves as a great tool for the actors to understand their characters whether they are readying themselves for audition, have landed in a character or the actors are developing their own characters.
So the Seven questions are:
- Who am I?
- Where am i?
- What time is it?
- What do I want?
- Why do I want it?
- How to get it I want it?
- What I must cover come to get what I want
The actors can use this exercise even if they are not rehearsing for a part. They can think of a character and answer the above questions and then imagine a scene.
- Tone and Expression:
Tone and Expression play an important role in actor’s delivery dialogue. The way actor says the dialogue with certain tone and expressions clearly impacts the play, the scene in the movies and the tv-shows. However, this is a simple exercise which the actors can do anywhere and anytime at their own peace and comfort.
The actors can choose one statement which they will speak it loudly. Then they should repeat it again by using different words changing the meaning and expression. Whether they can say that in an angry tone or emphasise on of the words which show are they happy or sadness can be shown through their tone. The actors can repeat as they like so should focus on paying attention to convey the emotions through their voice and what impact does it have of what they are saying.
- Ways to play a Monster:
In an Actor’s career, they have to play several roles in their acting career, be it a protagonist or antagonist. However, playing the role of a ‘Monster’ is one of the challenging aspect of acting. Here, the exercise can be to choose a ‘Monstrous’ character and understand that character and what makes them human and then act the scene which shows their human side.
Apart from exercises, it is necessary to practice and working on those skills.